Numbers Climbing!

Brax had a great day – maybe her best so far since this has all started. Her numbers are climbing which is very encouraging. Her WBC count finally took a big jump from 1.2 to 1.6 today (over 30% – huge!!), her ANC moved from 100 to 200 and her platelets moved from 215 to 336, which is perfect! (150-450 is Normal).

She’s ready to leave, but her team requires her ANC to be 400-500. We are hopeful that happens in the next couple days. Also, she needs to get her ANC to 750 to start her next round of IV chemo. The team has said ANC recovery is different for everyone, but we are hoping she gets to where they need her sooner than later so we can keep moving forward with treatments.

Brax set her single day record for walking and biking with 17 laps on floor 5 (1 lap = .1 miles) and she did some walking around the hospital today as well. She’s feeling really good, looks really good and is ready to go home as soon as they let her.

Thanks to Michelle and Sadie for stopping in to say hi today!

Also, Coach Fleck and his wife Heather asked if they could come by again to visit this Tuesday, so Brax is very excited for that.

Brax making her way thru the cafeteria today – looking good!

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One Reply to “Numbers Climbing!”

  1. Sooooo glad to hear your numbers are up and you’re feeling better! Hip hip hooray!

    We thought about and talked about you all weekend at Northern Lights. You have THOUSANDS of new prayer warriors from all over the country and a couple of awesome posters coming your way.

    Keep up the good work kiddo!

    Coach Gretchen

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