It’s been a busy few weeks since our last post. As I type this we are currently in the Emergency Department @ Masonic as Brax has been a little off following treatment last week. She feels OK but has been tired and running a little higher temp than normal (99’s), but today it jumped to 100.6 and they said we should come in for an evaluation. Everything is checking out good. They did a urine sample and that was good, flu swab and that was good and bloodwork which is all coming back good too. So we are assuming she’s fighting a little bug or some of the residual effects of the meds she’s currently on. Either way, they are sending her home and no overnight stay with her ANC being ok.

Now for the latest happenings…..
Tuesday, the 6th, Brax’s good buddy Megan lined up a private viewing of Frozen 2 with the Gopher Football Team and PJ & Heather. We all joined and had a blast. Thanks for the invite Megan!

Then on the following Monday, Brax joined the Women’s Gymnastics Team at practice and hung out. Thanks for the invite Coach Hansen! Always a good time hanging out with the girls!

Then this past week Brax attended her first Wild game with very special friend Michael. They had great seats on the glass and then Michael hooked her up with post game locker room passes. She met Dumba, scored Dubnyk’s stick, a game puck, and the Wild won big in a shutout…great night all around! Thanks MJ!

This week is another busy week with some exciting events/activities coming. Check back at the end of week for all the updates!
Also, TB1F Champions Cup is off to a great start. There are only a few tickets and 10 horses left. It’s shaping up to be an exciting evening and a very “feel good” event. We have had a lot of people step up to make this event very special. Thanks to all of them!
For more info or to purchase tickets, please check out the link below.
TB1F Champions Cup Info/Tickets