Lab Day#1

The last couple of days have been very uneventful, which is a good thing in this case. Everything at home has been going very well. Brax is still tired but has been transitioning between upstairs and downstairs for a change of scenery.

Today we had our first “true” Lab Day. Everything went well. Brax’s port access went better (very little pain) and all blood work is trending in the right direction. No infusions or platelets needed. Some more very encouraging news today was that there were NO leukemia blasts in her blood, granted she didn’t have many to begin with as most are contained in her bone marrow, we are still taking this as a WIN. Dr. Hilgers did mention that there are some rare leukemia cells found in her genetic testing, but we really won’t know how or if that will affect anything until the 28th of February after her next bone marrow biopsy. The results of that will be what steers the next phase of treatments. We are praying for AWESOME results and the ability to keep moving forward with planned treatments.

She also had a CT scan today to check on her stomach/intestines/liver. Everything there looks good.

And finally, knowing that she will be losing her hair she wanted to dye it before it’s gone for a bit . We don’t when she will really start losing it, but they anticipate sometime during this first month – some has started to fall out already while combing. She decided on a fancy pink ‘do with purple tips. They have a team on the floor at the clinic that does this for you – quite the service! FYI – Brylee is jealous!

Next appointment is this Thursday for (3) more rounds of chemo. One via IT and two more via IV. We are hopeful for more good results.

Thanks again to everyone for the the prayers and support. We are so thankful to be surrounded by an awesome group of family and friends.

Special thanks this week to Uncle Scott, Aunt Jayme, Brooklyn and Landon for coming with gifts and food; the (2) Dan’s for helping out with snow (nearly a full time job as of late); Uncle Mike & Aunt Doreen for the food and treats (no one will be going hungry); TCT for the continued support; Great G’ma Battaglia and Aunt Lisa, the Littlers, the Bonks, Loews and Otterblads, Uncle John & Aunt Jane for the gifts; G’ma & G’pa B for the extra hands around the house and helping out with the day to day; Maggie, Coach Kindler and the OU gymnastics team for the swag; and everyone else that has sent cards/texts/emails.

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3 Replies to “Lab Day#1”

  1. Love the hair color choice girl!!! I bet Bry is super jealous. Keep up the fight #BraxStrong – love ya kiddo and can’t wait to see you

  2. Dear Pink, Oops, I mean Braxton,,
    You are looking good, kiddo, and I love the hair color. Joe and I are very proud of how brave you are! Stay strong, sweetie. We love you!
    Jean and Joe

  3. Braxton,
    L?VE your pink & purple locks! This was a FUN treatment for you! Thinking of you and how brave you are?:
    Beautiful on the inside & out!
    Rallying ahead
    Ampt up with a positive attitude!
    eVeryone cares with prayers
    Eager to kick C in the butt!
    Hugs & Prayers from,
    Bryton’s Mom
    PS I want to order some bracelets

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