Happy Valentine’s Day – Chemo Sessions 8-10

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Today we were back at the ‘U’ very early for more treatments (Brax was up showering around 5AM and not very happy about it) . It was the same as last week, with (1) IT chemo (sedated for this one) and then (2) IV chemo treatments upstairs in the clinic. Blood work before the procedure came back good and no platelets needed. Overall, another very good day of treatments. Last week we mentioned how the info we are getting back is all looking very positive (see Chemo Sessions 5-7) and today was more of the same. After her 2nd IT treatment of her spinal fluid, Brax’s WBC count is back into the Normal Range! Normal being 0-5 and when initially diagnosed she was 583 and then 14 last week (with some blasts) and now down to 1. We won’t know for a couple days if there are any blasts, but regardless, things are working and it’s very encouraging to see her spinal fluid and blood responding so well. The big date is February 28th when we do the next bone marrow biopsy and that is the one we need to come back good. That is where most of her leukemia is concentrated and will give a more clear picture of how things are responding. We are praying for AWESOME results and are confident we are going to get them.

Please continue to watch the FUN STUFF page. Brax is the MN USAG featured gymnast this month – exciting stuff! Also, Brax is getting a lot of love and support from friends all across the country (many monster names and programs in the gymnastics world) and we can’t thank everyone enough for all the good vibes, words of encouragement and prayers. Please keep them coming.

And, to end the post Brax wanted to show the Valentine’s box three of her friends/classmates/neighbors made for her. Awesome job gals and thanks so much for keeping Brax included as much as she can be. It means a lot.

Big THANK YOU to Ellie, Evelyn & Andie for the V-Day Box! It turned out GREAT!
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