Awesome Day! Chemo Sessions 11-13

Brax had another awesome day! Today was the last big round of treatments before her bone marrow biopsy next Thursday. Her hemoglobin was at 7.5 this morning and generally 7.0 is the cutoff requiring a transfusion, but because she was having chemo today they gave her a transfusion this AM to give her a little boost.

She then went downstairs to Sedation for her IT chemo. Every went PERFECT (Dr.’s words) and she was back in recovery after about 20 minutes. After waking up and eating (this girl has been an eating machine the last couple of weeks) they sent us back up to our room for the next (2) IV chemos.

Both the IV chemos went well and she was still feeling good after they were done. About 30 mins after her last treatment her PT came in and asked if she was feeling up to working out a bit – she was, which surprised all of us a bit, but we were happy to see it and her doing so well.

We also got the preliminary CSF results back and they were Fab-U-lous . Both her WBC and RBC are now at ZERO!!!  This is exactly where we were hoping to be and we are just waiting for pathology to review and see if her CSF is Leukemia Free. We are hoping it will be gone or very close to gone with her cell counts at 0. But very positive news either way.

We also got a phone call from Dr. Sadak confirming what we saw and saying how everything thus far is trending in the right direction. He also said these first 28 days are so critical and Brax is responding very well with no major issues which is very encouraging. He said he believes this is partly due to her coming into this so STRONG. Thank you gymnastics! Overall, the conversation was very positive, but we still have the bone marrow biopsy to get thru next Thursday and that will tell the full story. We are going to celebrate the WIN today, but know we still have a long road ahead. However, good news next Thursday would be icing on the cake to end the Induction Phase.

We will update again once we get the final CSF results back from pathology.

Thanks again to EVERYONE, for EVERYTHING!


Also, final reminder for anyone looking to get a Team Brax Love Your Melon hat. TCT is closing up orders on 2/23. Please contact them or us if you would like one (all info in post below)

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