Sunday Funday

First, thank you to everyone who ordered Love Your Mellon hats in support of Brax. The order was submitted yesterday and we will get hats to everyone as soon as they arrive. If you missed out but still want one, we have been told there will be some extras. Second, wristbands are due this week. We will get them out as soon as they arrive so everyone can start “sportin’ their support”.

Today was another “boring” day in Room 5122. And “boring” is exactly what the doctors want at this point. Boring = Good. Brax is doing very good after chemo on Thursday and continues to get stronger. Today, Grandma Judy got Brax masked up and “broke her out” of floor 5 to do some exploring. They took a wheelchair and buzzed around the hospital and then over to the clinic and ended up at Subway (it’s in the hospital – don’t worry). She also got some exercise today walking and riding the halls. Brax is a big fan of her wheels and really likes Sunshine Alley.

Brax cruising Sunshine Alley. The family lounge is on the left and she has been known to take a few pit stops here to fuel up – skittles the other day!

After a busy morning, Brax cheered on her sister Brylee at her gymnastics meet. We had to send her videos after each event for critiquing and she was keeping up with live scoring on her iPad. Brylee had a great meet with a 1st place bar routine (9.800 – wowser!) and a 3rd All-Around. Brax was very happy for her – wishing she was there, but cheering all the same!

Sister Bry sporting her 5 medals. Congrats Bry!

After dinner (buttered noodles & meatballs from Noodles – a big time favorite!) our priest, Fr. Paul stopped by to say hi. He’s a big runner and earlier this month he ran a 5K he dedicated to Brax and finished 2nd in his age bracket – congrats Fr. Paul! He wanted to give the medal to Brax. Brax said she’s going to dedicate a medal to Fr. Paul when she gets back at it – sounds like a great plan! We had a nice visit and Fr. Paul was able to do an anointing of the sick for Brax which was great! You can see below how nearly all of her hair is now gone. She still looks amazing though – we love the big face and big eyes!

Thanks Fr. Paul!

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
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