Brax had a great weekend! She’S still feeling really good and s now halfway thru her 1st month of Consolidation. She has her 3rd treatment tomorrow and is looking forward to, as are we all, no lumbar puncture and IT chemo treatment (will be the first time in 8 weeks without having to be put to sleep). Tomorrow she will only have IV treatments. One will be about 2 hours and the other one is short, about 10-15 minutes. She has had both of these drugs previously and has reacted well to both so we are anticipating more of the same. Her Team said her numbers (white blood cells and ANC) will probably be low as we are getting deeper into this phase, but so far they have not fallen off terribly which is great! We will update again tomorrow or Friday with Brax’s status and labs results. The By the #’s page has a running tally of all of Brax’s treatments, drugs, etc. so anyone who is interested in what this trooper is going thru in regards to the details, please check it out.
Also, one of the older girls at TCT was assigned an essay paper on the topic of heroes. She chose Brax as her inspiration and wanted to share it with us. All of Team Brax was so honored and touched by the essay, we asked if we could share for everyone to read. Thanks so much Lola!!! AWESOME!!

Lola, Beautifully stated & brought tears to my eyes. Braxton, I loved your last video as your grace, beauty and strength shown through. Wow, you are amazing and truly inspire us all!! Thank you for that. I am praying for you.
Love, Debbie
(your grandma Laurie’s childhood friend)