D.I. Nearly D.O.N.E

Brax finished the 2nd to last treatment of Delayed Intesification on Tuesday. She is in the home stretch now in regards to intense treatment and is looking forward to wrapping this phase. She is still in the hospital due to low counts, but once those are up we can boogie.

Until then, the hospital does a great job of keeping the kids engaged (if they choose) and this week has been no exception. Last night Olive Garden had one of their regular family/patient dinners in the lobby, today they tape the PJ Fleck Show onsite (very fun) and later this week Brax was asked to sit in on a speech to be given by Dr. Moertel on some funding he has received.

Brax and Coach Fleck (have become good friends over the last 7 months)
Coach Fleck, Brax, G’ma Judy, G’ma Laurie, and G’pa B before the start of the PJ Fleck Show.
Brax & the Bear.

Overall, she’s feeling really good, a bit tired after the big treatment yesterday, but otherwise doing great considering she’s been hit for the last 7 1/2 months with weekly chemo (yuck!).

We now have her schedule for the next round of treatment which will start later this month or early October. The next phase is called Interim Maintenance II and is the final phase before Maintenance (the last phase). Treatments will go from weekly to roughly every 10 days and should be much easier and less intense. She should be able to get back to doing most things during IM2, besides school, as counts will be a bit compromised. We are all very excited to get back to feeling REALLY good!

Lastly, being 9/11, a HUGE thank you to all those who serve our country. This day will never be forgotten, nor will the sacrifices our service members make every day. THANK YOU!

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