Busy Week & Hemoglobin Saturday

Brax had another great week!

Monday she got her PT in with Rachel and that is all going very well. She’s down to just one day a week now with Rachel, as that is all she really needs.

Tuesday is her normal treatment day this cycle and this week was just a shot thru the IV and no blood or platelets needed, so we got in and out. Hands down it was our fastest one yet – still a couple hours from start to finish, but that is fast these days!

Her ANC had only dropped to 500 which we were happy with. Her liver numbers are a bit elevated, so we need to monitor those as they want to make sure the levels of chemo are not causing other issues. The Team has been very transparent and said they will keep an eye on these weekly and if it means taking a week off or reducing some drugs they will do that if there is concern. As things sit now, she is doing great and things are moving exactly as the Team had hoped and we pray it continues. Dr. Sadak said at her last appointment that she should be hitting her stride as she has now had most everything they are going to throw at her with no major complications and he doesn’t anticipate any moving forward and, if so, he feels they will be minor.

Wednesday she had the day off – no PT, no school, nothing!

Brax and her Consolidation Calendar – we are getting close to another cycle in the books – 2 treatments left and on to Interim Maintenance 1.

Thursday Brax actually went to school for about an hour to finish up her state testing (reading this week) that she started with Mrs. Dahlke on Monday. It was the first time she’s been back in the building for over three months! Testing went great and she is pretty much, if not completely, caught back up.

Friday, Brax was feeling really good. Coach Kim came over to workout with Brax for about an hour which has been great, both mentally and physically. Big thanks to Kim for the help! And, BIG NEWS…..Brax did a back handspring….woot…woot!! (assisted, but still counts) She was pretty excited and for good reason! She’s determined and we are so proud of her for many reasons!

Brax has been working in the kitchen lately….our little “lunch lady” whipping up some sloppy joe, slop sloppy joe…..can’t help but think of Adam Sandler….hahahaha!!

Today, Saturday (or hemoglobin Saturday), one of her fast track teammate’s family opened a new ice cream shop and invited the team over for the Grand Opening. Brax was excited to go and see the girls and coaches. She went for about half an hour before she started feeling weird. She said she got light headed and felt like she was going to pass out. We knew with her hemoglobin being low that this was probably the case, so we weren’t completely caught off guard. Once she got back in the car and sat down she was fine, but she asked if we’d call the on-call fellow to see if we should come in. Being a Saturday the infusion clinic doesn’t have normal hours, so we knew we’d probably have to go to the ER. We talked to the on-call fellow and he said it was really up to us in this case as she had no fever, but Brax made the call to go. Her hemoglobin was in fact low, which we suspected, and they admitted her to the hospital for a transfusion. It’s a lot more involved when having to do it on a weekend, but everything went smoothly and she’s back home in bed tonight and feeling good – tired, but good!

Another good week in the books and looking forward to checking another treatment off the list this week.

Welcome Back Brax! Waiting to start blood – back on Floor 5! Just a quick 7 hour in & out!

We are all doing our best to keep things positive and lite and Brax continues to be a rockstar regardless of what gets thrown at her. I don’t think she cares much for some of mom and dad’s humor (especially dad’s), but she puts up with it!!

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