We hope everyone is staying both healthy and safe during these challenging times.
It’s been a busy and exciting month since we last posted. Many good things happening in spite of all the ugly.
Friday, May 8th, Brax’s good friend Casey wrapped his last round of chemo after beating cancer a 6TH TIME! We drove down to Masonic to wish him luck before he went in. Due to all the distancing measures, nobody is allowed to accompany adult patients in the hospital any longer so we met quickly outside before he went in.

May 22nd, the Pioneer Press posted a nice article regarding Casey beating cancer for a 6th time and also his relationship with Brax and her good friend Megan going through cancer as well.

If you haven’t seen it, check it out at the link below.
On May 11th, we welcomed new cousin Max to the family. Brax & Bry are thrilled to have a new little cousin. Any chance they have to get their hands on him they jump at it. Congrats to Em & Bryton!
May 12th Brax was back at Masonic for her monthly treatment, which consisted of IV Chemo and Pentamidine. Everything went well and all of her numbers looked really good. She’s feeling the best she has felt and getting back to pre-cancer strength. Below are some pics of her working out a bit. Check out that hair too!!!!
And to wrap up the month, Brax graduated from 4th grade and will be moving to the Intermediate School next year! New school, New start…she’s excited, as are we, for her to get back to being a “normal” kid!

In terms of treatment, we are now officially down to 1 year left!!! May 28th, 2021 will be her final day! Here is a list of what we have left:
- 12 Months of Treatment Remaining (14 Completed)
- 4 Lumbar Punctures with Triple IT Chemo Treatments
- 12 Vincristine IV Chemo Treatments
- 60 Days of Steroids
- 362 Days of Chemo Pills
Her next scheduled treatment is June 9th and that will be a bigger one, with an LP Triple IT Chemo and then upstairs for more IV Chemo.

In wrapping up, our big event planned for this spring and postponed until July, the TB1F Champions Cup, we have officially rescheduled for Spring 2021. Our main focus is the health of our guests and we want to make sure we are keeping everyone safe and at this time with so much uncertainty we, as a group, feel this is the best decision. Everyone who has purchased tickets will be rolled over to next year’s event and we will send a separate announcement out this coming week to all ticket holders with more info. With the extra time we may be able to open up some more tickets and make this event bigger and better than we initially planned. Thanks again to all of the sponsors, partners and guests in supporting Brax’s mission of brightening the days of kids going thru childhood cancer and we are excited to see you all next spring.
TB1F Champions Cup Info/Tickets

Thanks again for everyone’s continue support after 14 months of this roller coaster of a journey.
And please continue to pray, not only for Brax, but also for her good friends she has met along the way who are all at varying points of treatment – Bella, Casey, Megan and Jake!
Stay Healthy!